These codes are high energy particles of light from Source, with no resistance whatsoever. This in effect means, that nothing from any dimensional realm, can withstand the effect of this Light.. All must surrender to its brilliance. The neutron particles within the Sun, must also give way to this Light.. The Whole of Creation will surrender and form allegiance with the ‘Plasma Light’.. This is the pure Light of ‘Source’, it is its Essence…
“The ‘Plasma Light‘, is the Highest form of Light available to the Cosmos. It accelerates growth from the Divine level of Being, creating a huge field of Light within the matrix of each soul.. This Light is unopposed.. Nothing can resist this light. Its reach is far.. The Diamond (Divine Body) matrix is upgraded by this light, to beyond the ‘Christos’ construct.. All constructs dissolve into this light, and return to their pure energy state.. It is the highest state of known Evolution.. As a catalyst for growth, its effects upon the multiverse are unprecedented…
The imprinting of these codes into your energy matrix, will return the matrix to its Essential Form.. This is beyond the blueprint form, or template of Being. It is the starting point for All Life, the emergence of the Divine.. In this state, it is impossible to suffer illnesses, or disease of any kind.. Nothing can withstand this Light.. All must return to Essence.. The code has no form, it cannot be drawn, pictured or visualized, it is pure energy. It cannot be contained by any structure, it is fluid…
This system was brought through by Kir-aha, Kira Diane Lester
Book your Plasma Light Healing NOW! Price N$300 / session.